What’s the Goal Here?
I didn’t really think I would be starting an “old-fashioned” journaly blog anytime soon. I’ve been a bit overloaded with my day job (after freelancing exclusively for 10 years, I recently took a job as a marketing manager for a Fortune 500 social media agency), my passion project – Time Traders Club (a time and skill exchange network for entrepreneurs) and my full-time job as a mommy/chauffeur to a 13-year-old girl.
But… I felt like I needed some accountability, a “room of my own” (separate from Time Traders which I run with my amazing business partner), and a chance to share what I’m up to with you (so you can see what is working and not make the same mistakes I make).
I was looking for a way to share what I know (which is A LOT) with you in a way that was leveraged – because I already have a full-time job and business.
I got an email yesterday, with an add for a book all about making lemonade out of your shiny objects. Since I am the queen of the shiny objects AND the book only cost $5. I decided to buy it and *actually* use it. How about that…
What to Expect from The Blog
This blog is essentially my lab book. I love trying new things. I will try them here – and let you know how they are working. I’ll be working toward one or two (please hold me to that – I have a tendency to work toward 10 goals at a time!) goals and sharing my progress. The result, if you want to play, will be a nice roadmap for you to follow as you build YOUR business. Sound good? OK, Let’s go.
Goal #1 Build a Functioning “Foundation”Site in 7 Days
In order for this strategy to work, I need a new site. I also know that this is a potential quagmire for me. The challenge is to get something that is “good enough” without getting too mired in all the details. Here are the steps I’m taking:
- Choose a domain name (actually this was easy – I’m using MY name for once!)
- Getting WordPress up and running on the site.
- Planning my post strategy
- Adding an opt-in option
- Adding an about page
- Adding some widgets and making the theme my own.
- Adding an email list.
Yep, it really is that simple. And, I’ve done it before. I’ll let you know what tools I’m using THIS time to make it easier.
Goal #2 – Build My Mailing List to 5,000 People
This is the BIG goal! My list is currently around 3,400. It has grown a lot in the past year, but it is still not big enough to play in giveaways etc. I am growing really tired of having awesome conversations with people where they invite my on to their give away and then write me back the next day (after talking to their mentor) to say that they feel “out of integrity” including me because I don’t have the magic number. (Tho, I do produce results for the people who see past the arbitrary cut off).
So… list building it is. My preliminary plan is to promote a webinar we created around Time Traders Club – How to Get ALL The Help You Need In Your Business Without Spending a Dime. and to promote our weekly blog planner templates (see above) and posts. (Time Traders members get access to cool templates – or you can buy them here.). We are working both angles through Facebook Ads at the moment. As I find other methods, I’ll try them out and let you know how they work.
So…are you in? Leave your blog address below (if you’ve got one). Also, grab the weekly blog template (in the box above), if you are interested in growing your blog with me.
Finally, I would love some shiny object accountability. Grab the Shiny Object Lemonade book and we can build together 🙂