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7 Tips for Creating a Webinar That Will Change the World (and Your Business)

In my last post, I shared a recipe for a quick 10 minute blog post.  I thought I would do a quick 10 minute post to show you how easy this type of post is to do.   I chose a video where fellow Time Traders Club member Ellen Finkelstein was interviewed on’s Fast Action Friday web show. Click here to listen to the whole interview!


Want to grow your list quickly?  One of the fastest ways to do this is public speaking.   Which is great, except, it can be difficult to constantly find new audiences to speak for.  Plus, in the beginning, the speaking is usually for free with very limited opportunities to actually make an offer.

Webinars allow you to create your own audience… and to sell your product and follow up.  When I look at the solopreneurs who have created successful business over the past 10 years I’ve been involved online, all of them do webinars — because they work.

Recently, I watched an interview with Ellen Finkelstein where she gave some great tips on how to create a webinar that works.    Ellen is one  of the top 13 Powerpoint MVPs in the country.  While doing her work with her clients and while promoting her own business, Ellen began to realize the power of webinars to really change the course of a business.

Here are 7 tips from the interview for making webinars work for you.  (If you want more tips… click here to register for Ellen’s full length webinar on Highly Profitable Webinars.

Tip 1:  Start with the End In Mind.  If you are doing the webinar to sell a product, have the product created first.  That way, you can  give the audience great value and build the know, like and trust factor.

Tip 2:  Do Your Research Even if you are doing a free webinar – asking for an hour of time is seeking a commitment.  To get that commitment, you need to know your audience and what keeps them up at night (just like you would need to know for a product that you are selling).  The difference is that with a webinar, you want to keep your sign up page short, sweet and to the point.  Also, when selling from a webinar – the webinar is the sales page.  Keep the sales page you send to from the webinar short and sweet – don’t confuse people!

Tip 3: Write a Script and Practice

Practice with the script.  Do a practice recording and see how you sound.  Doing both of these things will make your webinar go more smoothly and you’ll sound more professional.  Ellen uses Zoom for her webinars to create a more personal experience. Even though she is showing slides, you can still see Ellen in the room.

Learn How to Create Profitable Webinars!

Tip 4:  Make Your Topic Clear From The Start

Don’t make your audience guess what the webinar is about.  You’ll lose them quickly.  Make the benefits of what you are sharing clear right from the start.

TIP 5:  Don’t Put Your Script On Your Slides

Yes, you need slides for your webinar – but don’t read from them.  People can read faster than you speak. They’ll read the slide and then lose interest

Make slides visual and attractive. Use a simple title and images that help the learning process and relate to the story emotionally. Picture is worth a thousand words. The brain works visually.

TIP 6: Engage Your Audience

Ask questions of your audience.  Use the chat box or polling feature to get responses.  Answer questions if people have them (if they don’t – make up questions they should be asking… and answer them).  Questions are a great way to engage people.

TIP 7 – Follow Up!

This tip will double your sales off the webinar.  It is very easy to get discouraged when people don’t buy after your webinar – or you just get a few sales.  Keep the follow up going – and you’ll get more sales.   Over half of our sales in Time Traders come on the last day to purchase.

So… there are Ellen’s 7 tips.  Want to learn more about creating a webinar that works for you? Check out Ellen’s free training on Highly Profitable Webinars.

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